Learning Supports

Greenhills Community College provides resources for students who have Additional Educational Needs (AEN). 

Students who have been formally assessed as having a learning need, may be entitled to assistance in their academic work.  Formal assessments (through Educational Psychologists, Consultants, Occupational Therapists, Neurologists or Specialist Registrars etc.) may entitle you to additional learning supports. 

Our Learning Support Team work, by appointment only, with students with AEN on areas such as: 

  • Organisation, time and self-management study skills; 
  • How to draft assignments; 
  • Reading and writing skills; 
  • Exam study skills. 

Information and an application details will be provided during induction to all students. In the meantime, if you have any questions in relation to learning supports, contact the College at admin@greenhillscollege.ie.