DEIS [Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools] is a national programme which supports the educational needs of young people from disadvantaged communities.
All post-primary schools participating in DEIS receive a range of additional resources including additional staffing, funding, access to literacy and numeracy programmes and assistance with activities such as school planning. Other interventions, such as the Home School Community Liaison Scheme and the School Completion Programme, are also available.
As a member of the DEIS programme, Greenhills Community College is required to have a DEIS Plan in place which identifies the learning needs of its students and how the school is using the available resources and programmes to address those needs. The DEIS Plan of Greenhills Community College is organised under the key areas, Literacy, Numeracy, Attendance, Attainment, Transitions, Retention, Partnership with Others and Partnership with Parents. Wellbeing is embedded across all areas of our DEIS Plan.
The DEIS Leaders of Greenhills Community College have link members responsible for each key area over the three-year cycle of each DEIS plan. We are currently working on formulating our DEIS Targets for our next DEIS Plan 2022-2025.