Digital Planning

In September 2022, as part of our Digital Strategy, we are trialling iPads with our 1st year students. Every student in 1st year will receive their own device to use both in and out of the classroom. Staff will receive training and ongoing support in the use of IPads with this group.
Our Transition Year students will also have access to one to one devices. Our TY students will be using laptops in and out of school this year. Students will be enabled to take their device home and continue their project work, while developing valuable IT and presentation skills.
Access to Digital Technology in the classroom will enhance our Teaching and Learning here at Greenhills in ensuring that our classrooms are active spaces where our students are well equipped with 21st Century skills. We will review the process throughout the year with a view to rolling out the scheme across every year group.
This scheme is supported by DDLETB and parents are asked to make a small contribution in the form of a rental fee which is payable at the start of the year.
Book Rental Scheme
At Greenhills Community College, we are subsidised under the DEIS scheme to provide every student in the school with books, workbooks and exam papers in every subject. This is highly successful and alleviates the financial burden on our families in ensuring that each student has the equipment they need in every class.
As part of the rental fee, students are also provided with a school journal along with a full commencement pack for 1st years containing calculators, notepads, art equipment, pens, pencils and other useful classroom supplies.

Student Lunches
Students are provided with a free school lunch every day here at Greenhills Community College. This is part of our DEIS funding and the food is supplied fresh every day by Glanmore Foods. Students are given a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a healthy treat and a drink every day. Every student has their own account and they can sign in and change the order any time they wish. Their lunch arrives into school every morning labelled with their name.
Breakfast Club
From 8.30-8.55 every morning, we provide a Breakfast Club for our students. Everyone is welcome and the club has no sign- up restrictions, students can come and go as the need arises. Cereal, toast, juice and a hot drink are provided with breakfast pancakes on special occasions. The kitchen area is a hob of chat and activity every morning and each session is supervised and supported by staff. This is a free service for our students and is supported by the SCP (School Completion Programme).